
Monster Hunter Generations Five Star Key Quests

  1. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate 5 Star Key Quests
  2. Monster Hunter Generations Five Star Key Quests 2
  3. Monster Hunter Generations Five Star Key Quests List
  4. Monster Hunter Generations Five Star Key Quests 2
  5. Five Star Pizza

Now that you’ve completed the 1-star Quests, you should know how everything operates by now, right? You know, you take on a quest, complete it, rinse and repeat, and make sure you manage your items and gear along the way! You’re a pro now. Right? …right?

Looking for MHGU information? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at:! For Monster Hunter Generations on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Village 5. key quests wont show,help pls'.

  • Jul 20, 2016 MONSTER HUNTER GENERATIONS (MHGen): This content is Guild Hall Key Quests list. Also you can go clear main story quests by MHGen if you can see. This is the Guild Hall key quests information. Then the Key quests name, the target and tips is written.
  • Notes Harvest Tour: Volcano. Completing this and the 5-star Quest 'The Fisherman's Fiend' will unlock the 5-Star village quest 'Lagiacrus Fuss' Peddling Practice Gather Misty Peaks: Deliver 10 Balmstone Pieces. Things Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Doesn't Tell You.


Well, that’s okay. We’ve got you covered.

This page details all the key quests of this tier. If you want to get to the end of the game, and fast, then just do these and move on. If you want to take your time, that’s great too. But you’ll have to do these eventually! Outlook express for mac yosemite.

For Monster Hunter Generations on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Unlock 5 star village key quests?'

Rambunctious Rhenoplos

Objective: Slay 5 Rhenoplos

Location: Jurassic Frontier

Subquest: None

Notes: Rhenoplos are these rhino-like monsters that will charge at you even if unprovoked. The in-universe explanation is that they have poor eyesight but really it’s just to piss you off and interrupt your business. So have your revenge by killing five! Rhenoplos are hanging around areas 3 and 6.

Gendrome Roadblock

Objective: Hunt a Gendrome

Location: Dunes

Subquest: Slay 5 Genprey

Notes: This quest will be automatically available from the get-go, and takes place in a new area, the Dunes. Bring Cool Drinks , as the heat will sap your health otherwise. The supply box will provide you with 2. Gendrome is in a similar family to Great Maccao, but has a much simpler attack set. Find him in Area 10 . The subquest should be easy to carry out. Gendrome can paralyze you so beware!

The Land Sharq

Objective: Hunt a Cephadrome

Location: Dunes

Subquest: Mount and topple the monster twice

Notes: Another quest in the Dunes introduces you to Cephadrome . Unlike Gendrome and Great Maccao, Cephadrome is a Piscine Wyvern and so will act and behave differently. Cephadrome awaits your challenge in area 7. The box provides you with EZ Sonic Bombs and when Cephadrome is swimming under the sand, throw it to bring him out flopping for you to wail on. If you want to have an easier time mounting, bring an Insect Glaive or use the aerial hunting style.

Hermit Grab

Objective: Slay 5 Hermitaur

Location: Dunes

Subquest: Deliver 3 Apceros Livers

Notes: This is an easier quest that, again, takes place in the Dunes. You can find Hermitaurs, small crab monsters, in areas 2, 3, and 7. Apceros are the herbivores of the Dunes so if you feel like completing the subquest feel free to track them down.

Completion of these four key quests will lead you to your next Urgent Quest ! Wow, that was fast. Before you challenge this, though, I highly recommend you put together a set of armor from some of the monsters you’ve been hunting, so that you have higher defense. You should have upgraded your weapon once or twice by now as well.

URGENT: Tusk Tantrum

Objective: Hunt a Tetsucabra

Location: Jurassic Frontier

Subquest: Wound Tetsucabra’s jaw

Notes: This is your next large monster, an Amphibian named the Tetsucabra . The Tetsucabra has large tusks and loves to jump all over the place. Be sure to bring Paintballs if you aren’t in the habit already as he will dig to move between areas. Tetsucabra awaits you in area 3 of Jurassic Frontier. One thing to note is that Tetsucabra makes for a great set of armor for Low Rank and so is worth your while to farm.

If you’re wondering about that subquest, aim your weapon at those enormous tusks. If you deal enough damage, you will hear an audible cracking noise, see shards fly off, and lo and behold Tetsucabra’s tusk has been broken! You must do this twice , once to each tusk, for subquest completion.

Complete this quest and you will unlock the 3* Quests! Congratulations, hunter. You’ll also get a new Hunter Art.


Looking to breeze through this section so that you can reach the top of the world as soon as you can? Then look no further. Here’s the key quests that you have to complete!

Note: Is the key quest not showing up? Well, unfortunately, a good deal of them are tied to previous quest chains that aren’t key quests . So if you skipped over them, you’ll be barred from going further. Don’t worry though, all prerequisites are listed, and you can go back to the previous sections to see what you missed!

The Thunderclaw Wyvern

Objective: Hunt an Astalos

Location: Verdant Hills

Monster generations ultimate key quests. Subquest: Wound Astalos’s crest

Notes: You must complete the 3-star village quest 'Into the Wyvern’s Den' for this quest to show up! You ran away from Astalos last time, but this time it’s time Astalos to do the departing. Astalos uses thunder element attacks and so if you’re majorly weak to thunder, watch out. Bring Nulberries to cure Thunderblight so you don’t get stunned. As Astalos is attacking and moving, different parts of his body will glow. That means they’re at full charge. If you attack those body parts relentlessly, however, you can destroy the charge and knock Astalos over!

Completion of the quest unlocks a lot of stuff. First off, in Kokoto Village, you can remove the sword behind your house. You’ll also get a new Hunting Art. Finally, completing this plus the 6-star village quest 'Tigrex by the Tail' will unlock the 6-star village quest 'The Hero’s Journey'.

The Unwavering Colossus

Objective: Hunt a Gammoth

Location: Arctic Ridge

Subquest: Wound Gammoth’s legs

Notes: It’s time to shift gears to the second of the flagship monsters of Generations . You’ll have to complete the 3-star village quest 'No Go on the Popo' first. Gammoth is as sturdy as her quest title suggests. She is unmovable and will present to you one of the greatest obstacles in your career. So do your best to come out on top! Several of her attacks and movements can cause you to become a snowman to bring Cleansers. In order to break Gammoth’s legs, you need to get the snow off, which can be difficult because Gammoth will periodically refresh the snow on her legs. After the snow is gone, you can break the legs, and then she can’t cover them in snow anymore.

You’ll unlock a new Hunter Art and you can mine the Giant Sword from Pokke’s Mystery Cave.

The Entrancing Water Dancer

Objective: Hunt a Mizutsune

Location: Misty Peaks

Subquest: Wound Mizutsune’s head

Notes: You must complete the 3-star quest 'A Forest Fracas' before this quest pops up. The third of the four flagship monsters greets you with a dance. He can cause you to slip around using his bubbles, which will result in the judges marking you down for clumsiness, so be careful. The bubble status will gradually build up on you as you continually get hit with them, and can be popped by being attacked by either your Palico companions, fellow hunters, or Mizutsune himself. Mizutsune’s claws are very tough and will bounce most weapons.

Completion of this quest nets you a new Hunter Art.

The Fishermans Fiend

Objective: Hunt a Lagiacrus

Location: Deserted Island

Subquest: Wound Lagiacrus’s head

Notes: If you herald from 3 Ultimate , be prepared to have your nostalgia tickled a little. Lagiacrus is back, this time without water to aid his conquest! However, he has gained several different attacks utilizing his deadly electricity in return, so tread carefully. For example, one of his attacks will cause his body to be orbited by glowng electrical orbs. They will at first orbit next to him, then they will gradually grow farther away. This can be extremely annoying to work around as you try to attack because they hang around for a while. Lagiacrus’s horns are extremely durable, bouncing almost every weapon out there, so plan carefully if you intend on breaking them for the subquest (and the elusive horn materials).

Complete this plus the 4-star village quest 'Royal Pains' to unlock the 5-star village quest 'Lagiacrus Fuss'.

A King, Robed in Smoke

Objective: Hunt a Rathalos

Location: Volcano

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate 5 Star Key Quests

Subquest: Sever Rathalos’s tail

Notes: It’s time to hunt the ultimate flagship monster of the franchise: Rathalos . The male counterpart to Rathian, Rathalos prefers skybound combat, utilizing his venomous talons and his awe-spiring fiery breath. Truly the king indeed. Similar to Rathian, Rathalos is pitifully weak to Flash Bombs, however. Throw one while he is facing your direction to bring him crashing down, rage mode or not!

Complete this quest plus the 2-star village quest 'Arzuros the Azure Beast' to unlock the 5-star village quest 'Island Heat'. You’ll also unlock the Arena Quest 'Grudge Match: Rathalos'.

Fight or Uragaan!

Objective: Hunt an Uragaan

Location: Volcano

Subquest: Wound Uragaan’s chin

Notes: Another Brute Wyvern from 3 Ultimate returns. Uragaan loves to roll around and drum the floor with his massive chin. He can easily cause tremors by slamming the ground hard enough. Similar to Lagiacrus’s head, Uragaan’s jaw is extremely durable and most weapons will bounce.

Monster hunter generations guide

Monster Hunter Generations Five Star Key Quests 2

You still hanging in there? Good, because we’ve got another Urgent Quest coming your way. Remember that guy in “Tumultuous Sprouts”? You know, the one that probably scared the living daylights out of you as you were hunkering trying to get mushrooms. Well, hunker no more, it’s time to face your fears…

URGENT: The Scorching Blade

Objective: Hunt a Glavenus

Location: Jurassic Frontier

Subquest: Sever Glavenus’s tail

Monster Hunter Generations Five Star Key Quests List

Notes: This is it, hunter! The ultimate foe…the champion of the four flagship monsters! Glavenus is no pushover, so if you found yourself dancing in circles around Astalos, Gammoth, or Mizutsune, don’t expect Glavenus to be so complacent. His back end is as dangerous as his front, by the way. Keep in mind that Glavenus’s tail cannot be severed, only broken, unless his tail lights up. When it lights up (after Glavenus runs it through his mouth), it is softer and can be cut. Tricky!

Completion of this quest teaches you yet another Hunter Art but more importantly you get the Rainbow Pigment for your armor. It makes your armor multicolored and change colors. The most dizzying sight to behold!

Monster Hunter Generations Five Star Key Quests 2

Congratulations on beating the 'offline boss' of the solo campaign. Enjoy the credits, and enjoy ever more the new quest tier that opens up to you.

Five Star Pizza
