
Heroes Of The Storm Beta Key Generator

Pixcheats team present new and working Heroes of The Storm Alpha Account Generator Giveaway that was made by our specialist, now you can easy generate new and working Alpha Accounts Heroes of the storm beta keys. Download Heroes of The Storm beta key generator. Download Heroes of the Storm Beta Key Generator. 100% Genuine Blizzard keys; Just copy and paste it to your account. Heroes of the storm beta keys heroes of the storm beta keys generator Heroes of the Storm Beta Keys Giveaway start now! We will be giving 300 unique beta keys that we got from blizzard.(More keys will be coming in future) These keys will probably cost $150+ later, same like hearthstone, it's now your chance to get beta key.

That's right. Blizzard has just announced the beginning of closed beta for their upcoming MOBA multiplayer brawler. Here are some of the best ways for you to get your hands on a Heroes of the Storm beta key.

1. Opt-in to the Heroes of the Storm beta via

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Heroes Of The Storm Tier List

The first and most obvious thing to do is go to, sign in, go to the beta opt-in page and opt-in to the Heroes of the Storm beta! Key generator sony vegas pro 15. Super simple and easy. You can't expect to get a key if you don't tell Blizzard that you want to check out their newest game! May the odds ever be in your favor!

Heroes Of The Storm Beta Key Generator

This is what the beta opt-in page looks like. If you are having trouble finding it, use this URL:

2. Look towards fansites for giveaways

Fan sites and news outlets will be given a ton of keys to give away as promotional efforts courtesy of Blizzard. Here is a list of some sites to pay attention to for beta keys. (Hint: Maybe GameSkinny in the near future!)

Heroes Of The Storm Beta Key Generator Reviews

  • FrostStorm (this one already has a button for it!)

3. Get on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+

Don't forget to check out the social media accounts of both Blizzard and those fansites! This includes not only stalking their tweets but also their Facebook accounts as well as Google+. Baofeng uv 5r software download mac. The chances of you receiving a beta key increases as you enter the giveaways from various social networks.

Some of the fansites will be giving away keys as soon as they are available, so check back regularly!

4. You may be able to buy a beta key through Blizzard!

Blizzard may be trying a new approach with Heroes of the Storm's beta keys. According to a datamining effort, Blizzard may allow players to purchase guaranteed access to the test via an official digital 'Founder's Pack.'

The Launcher for the alpha version of Heroes of the Storm mentions a 'Heroes Founder's Pack.' This digital purchase lets you 'ride into the Beta Test on a wolf made of solid gold.' Presumably the wolf is some exclusive mount also included with the Founder's Pack.

Heroes Of The Storm Beta Key Generator 2017

One important note to take away from today's news is that Blizzard hasn't officially announced the Founder's Pack. It's quite possible that they'll scrap the idea or only use it selectively. The fact that the Founder's Pack information made its way to the Launcher makes it seem like a big possibility. For safety's sake, please wait for an official announcement about Founder's Packs from Blizzard and rely on the official Launcher for more information. Be wary of phishing attempts!

Heroes Of The Storm Beta Key Generator Reviews

5. Keep an eye on GameSkinny for keys

A little bird tells me that GameSkinny (and our sister site Gamer Launch) mightjust have some keys available to giveaway very soon.

Keep an eye out on this spot and on our Twitter account for future updates!

NOTE: Do NOT Fall For Shady Beta Key Websites

Even if a key giveaway, email, or Founder's Pack purchase looks promising, double-check the web address before doing anything. Phishing schemes get more and more convincing every day, and will steal official assets to look as convincing as possible in order to trick you into giving up personal information.


Also. NEVER click a,, or other short URL that promises beta keys. It's likely riddled with malware. The same goes for key generators: just don't mess with them. You are only putting yourself, your information, and your computer at risk.

Now the question is: Did you snag a Heroes of the Storm beta key? Let us know about the game by writing an article on GameSkinny!